How would you feel if you could be closer to Makkah on Laylatul Qadr this year?
On Monday, Snapchat gave its users just that, its first live story from the Holy city of Makkah, honouring the night of decree.
Log in, swipe left for the Stories page, scroll down to Live and you’ll find Makkah listed in the locations. Press and hold to witness Muslims embracing the month of pilgrimage in Saudi this Holy month.
Muslims performing the rituals of Umrah
Pilgrims offer Nafil prayers while some do Tawaaf
Yup, snapchat got that right!
Area outside the Holy Mosque
The selfie-fever #take1
Pilgrims perform Say’ee at Safaa Marwah
Everyone gathering at the mosque, regardless of race and status, sitting together waiting to break their fast
It wasn’t long before the story went viral and Muslims from all around the world took it to Twitter with the hashtag #Mecca_live, which is now trending on Twitter.
This is not it, non-Muslims were in awe of the Kaabah with some of them wanting to convert to Islam immediately.
#Mecca_Live is many American's first time experiencing Islam first hand instead of hearing Islamophobic lies told by the media & government.
— ️ (@mxdkays) July 14, 2015
No difference between Black or White, Rich or Poor, in here, everyone is equal ! #mecca_live
— لمياء عبدالعزيز (@lamiy_) July 14, 2015
this is what a city that never sleeps looks like #mecca_live
— bruh? (@louisnipple) July 14, 2015
Im not Muslim but the #mecca_live story is so beautiful! Really shows that Muslims arent how the media show them! What an amazing religion!
— Ahmed Al Chapo (@BrooklynLeb1948) July 14, 2015
Islam is the relegion of peace, brotherhood and Masavat, Non-Muslims views about #mecca_live story by @snapchat
— HameedUllahShaheen (@HShaheenBatazai) July 14, 2015
Media made me blind to what Islam had to offer. #mecca_live shows how you are all 1 big family.I want to learn about more Islam In'Sha'Allah
— Leah (@LeahKbabyboo) July 14, 2015
I appreciate Islam, and I thank all the Muslims who carry it on. It's inspiring, where can I learn more about Islam? #mecca_live
— Leah (@LeahKbabyboo) July 14, 2015
Omg #mecca_life #mecca_live I think I might consider converting to Islam
— indigochildIKY (@indigoshawd) July 14, 2015
I'm so proud to be a Muslim seeing the reactions make me cry. Terrorism is not Islam #mecca_live
— Adnan Ali ➊➋➌ (@adnan04ar01) July 14, 2015
From non muslimss #mecca_live
— Sallyy (@SallyAmrr) July 14, 2015
This really made my day! #Mecca_Live @Snapchat
— Huddlestone (@HEELBash) July 14, 2015
when you spread Islam the correct way #mecca_live
— thrift babe (@Jelenaxoxo_) July 14, 2015
#mecca_live is so beautiful got me in tears, truly inspiring to see many people in one place, Islam is beautiful. I'm converting to islam
— ♛ (@rejectaahx) July 14, 2015
Can you tell who is rich and who is poor? “Allah is One and likes Unity.” (Muslim). #mecca_live
— Adnan Ali ➊➋➌ (@adnan04ar01) July 14, 2015
The post Snapchat honours Laylatul Qadr with live video feed of Makkah appeared first on The Express Tribune.